No Criminal Record Certificate






  • 居住證,見樣本。Updated on 2022.02.27
  • 臺灣居民來往大陸通行證, 又稱台胞證其後取得新證的需同時提供大陸居留期間的有效證件
  • 住宿登記表 <--左擊查看樣本
  • 申請表 <--左擊下載
  • 授權委託書
  • 出入境記錄(僅限上海)


  • 居住證,見樣本。Updated on 2022.02.27
  • 港澳居民來往內地通行證(其後取得新證的需同時提供大陸居留期間的有效證件
  • 住宿登記表 <--左擊查看樣本
  • 申請表 <--左擊下載
  • 出入境記錄(僅限上海)





  • 普通服務 20個工作日
  • 加急服務 10個工作日


  • 中國大陸所有城市







  • 本國人:新式國民身分證正本或戶口名簿正本(持戶口名簿辦理者須另出示有相片之證件)。
  • 大陸港澳地區居民:中華民國臺灣地區居留證或內政部入出國及移民署核發之其他相關證件正本。
  • 外國人:護照或外僑居留證正本各1份。
  • 正本驗畢歸還,需加註英文姓名者,請另檢附護照基本資料頁正本或影本。


  • 國內申請:每份新臺幣100元,可報值郵寄至本局,或至郵局購買匯票,戶名為臺北市政府警察局。
  • 國外郵寄申請:每份美元7元(港澳地區每份美元6元)(均限紙鈔,已含國際航空掛號郵資)。



單位 地址 電話
臺北市政府警察局外事科 臺北市中正區延平南路96號 (02)23817494
臺北縣警察局外事課 臺北縣板橋市民族路57號 (02)29594811
桃園縣警察局外事課 桃園縣桃園市縣府路3號 (03)3335107
新竹縣警察局外事課 新竹縣竹北市光明六路12號 (035)557953
新竹市警察局外事課 新竹市中山路1號 (035)242103
苗栗縣警察局外事課 苗栗縣苗栗市中苗里府前路2號 (037)356950
臺中縣警察局外事課 臺中縣豐原市中山路225號 (04)25285475
臺中市警察局外事課 臺中市文心路二段588號 (04)23273875
南投縣警察局外事課 南投縣南投市中興路669號 (049)2234302
彰化縣警察局外事課 彰化縣彰化市中正路二段778號 (04)27619872
雲林縣警察局外事課 雲林縣斗六市大學路三段100號 (05)5329033
嘉義縣警察局外事課 嘉義縣太保市祥和一路東段3號 (05)3620220
嘉義市警察局外事課 嘉義市中山路195號 (05)2220772
臺南縣警察局外事課 臺南縣新營市中正路3號 (06)6354531
臺南市警察局外事課 臺南市南門路37號 (06)2229704
高雄縣警察局外事課 高雄縣鳳山市光遠路388號 (07)7452830
高雄市政府警察局外事科 高雄市前金區中正四路260號 (07)2215796
屏東縣警察局外事課 屏東縣屏東市中正路119號 (08)7336283
宜蘭縣警察局外事課 宜蘭縣宜蘭市渭水路23號 (039)353921
花蓮縣警察局外事課 花蓮縣花蓮市府前路21號 (038)224023
臺東縣警察局外事課 臺東縣臺東市中山路268號 (089)334756
澎湖縣警察局外事課 澎湖縣馬公市治平路36號 (06)9270870




  • 星期一至星期五 上午九時至下午五時十五分*
  • * 警察總部出納部於下午一時至二時及下午五時後將會停止接受繳款
  • 星期六,日/ 休息
  • 公眾假期 休息



  • 其香港身份證或有效的旅行證件;
  • 由有關領事館/移民局/政府部門發出的信件,正本及影印本(每位申請人一份影印本)。信件須載有申請人的姓名及清楚列明領事館/移民局/政府部門需要檢視無犯罪紀錄證明書;
  • 倘若信件並未載有申請人的姓名,則須提供文件(正本及影印本) 證明他或她與主申請人的關係;
  • 辦理申請費用每位港幣二百一十元。可用現金、八達通卡、易辦事或支票繳付。如以支票繳付,請將支票劃線及寫明「香港特別行政區政府」為收款人。本處並不提供八達通卡增值服務。

申請人如欲預約,可於預約時間至少一日前致電2396 5351自動電話預約系統辦理手續。


  • 如果申請人在本港並無犯罪紀錄,會在四星期內將證明書以掛號函件直接通知有關領事館/移民局/政府部門。
  • 如果申請人有犯罪紀錄,在同一期間內會有掛號覆函通知有關領事館/移民局/政府部門及申請人不能發給「無犯罪紀錄證明書」,並且列出犯罪紀錄資料。
  • 倘若申請人現正接受香港警務處調查,或是香港刑事 訴訟中的被告人,或是欠交罰款(包括交通違例事項) 的人士,其申請將不會進一步處理,直至有關事件結束。本辦事處將發出信件通知申請人其申請有待事件結束。當再沒有其他未完結事件,本處將依據上述第六及七 段發出證明書或信函。

由於辦理申請需行政費用,警務處處長可能向申 請人收取費用。在大多數情況下,每頁所提供資料的收費與政府現時所收取的每頁影印本收費相同。

如有疑問,可寄函辦事處,電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,致電2860 6557 ,或傳真2200 4321查詢。




  • 已填妥的無犯罪紀錄證明書申請表
  • 申請人的香港身份證/有效旅行證件的影印本。
  • 由有關領事館/移民局/政府部門發出的信件的影印本。信件須載有申請人的姓名及清楚列明領事館/移民局/政府部門需要檢視無犯罪紀錄證明書。
  • 倘若信件並未載有申請人的姓名,則須提供文件(影印本)證明他或她與主申請人的關係。
  • 由申請人現居地當局認可的警察或執法機構替申請人印取的全套手指模。全套手指模應包括申請人每隻手指的指紋,以及其左、右手的四指平印及左、右姆指平印。這套手指模須由該機構證明屬實。此項證明須清楚說明:
    • 替申請人印取手指模的人的姓名及職級;
    • 該警察或執法機構的全名,並蓋上機構印章;及
    • 印取手指模的日期及地點。
  • 未有清楚顯示上述證明的手指模將不予接納。由申請人本人、法律代表或私人/商業機構印取的手指模亦不予接納。
  • 銀行匯票,寫明「香港特別行政區政府」為收款人及必須在香港支付,每份申請的費用為港幣二百一十元。香港註冊銀行發行及認可的個人支票(以港幣支付) 均可接受。


申請人須下載有關文件,簽署同意接受套取指模書,填妥無犯罪紀錄證明書申請表 (網上表格)及申請人資料填報表 (網上表格), 並與申請文件一併寄回。申請人須授權香港警務處保留其指模及同意香港警務處不需預先諮詢其本人情況下向有關領事館/移民局/政府部門披露他或她在香港的犯 罪紀錄詳情。如本處在收到申請時未有接獲上述文件,在接納其申請後,有關表格將郵寄予申請人。

  • 如果申請人在本港並無犯罪紀錄,本處會在四星期內將證明書以掛號函件直接通知有關領事館/移民局/政府部門。
  • 如果申請人有犯罪紀錄,在同一期間內會有掛號覆函通知有關領事館/移民局/政府部門及申請人不能發給「無犯罪紀錄證明書」,並且列出犯罪紀錄資料。
  • 倘若申請人現正接受香港警務處調查,或是香港刑事 訴訟中的被告人,或是欠交罰款(包括交通違例事項) 的人士,其申請將不會進一步處理,直至有關事件結束。本辦事處將發出信件通知申請人其申請有待事件結束。當再沒有其他未完結事件,本處將依據上述第六及七 段發出證明書或信函。
如有疑問,可寄函辦事處,電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 致電(852) 2860 6558 ,或傳真(852) 2200 4321查詢。

You need to provide applicable documents which should mention that you are not having any criminal background. Please download the documents as below mentioned link.

We are providing online application service for China Police Clearance Certificate. We will advice you to provide required documents for submitting online application process. You can mail the documents to our Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




  1. The essential file for getting police check in China.
  2. The digital copy by CamScanner is not considered as valid document.
  3. The signed application form should be scanned by scanner and send as attachment by email.

Things to know for China Police Clearance Certificate

  1. Finger Prints may asked by some Chinese cities. Check the available city list here
  2. Make sure you have No Criminal Record in China, if you do, for sure you will not get the China Police Clearance Certificate you want.
  3. Download the application form and fill the form carefully.
  4. Proper submission of application form and required documents.
  5. Submitting relevant fees

China Police Certificate Quotation & Fee

Our service fee starts from USD 400 per certificate.

We provide FREE evaluation based on your info and documents listed below, meanwhile, we tell you our final fee according to your unique situation.

Read Before You Continue

  1. Our service fee does not cover DHL, UPS or FedEX fee. See DHL fees
  2. The Police Certificate Authority only has jurisdiction over its own city, so if you have lived/stayed in several cities in China, you will have to get police certificate from each city's police certificate authority. 
  3. We protect our clients' privacy seriously. No information or documents will be disclosed to or shared with a third party except China's Police Certificate authorities, and all the documents you submitted will be removed from our server once your case is closed.

Get China police certificate quotation via email

Please send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should contains 1.Answers and 2.Attachments then be sent to 

1. Answers

Answer our following questions in red, for example:
  • Which country asked you to provide Police Clearance Certificate? Canada
  • For what (job, green card, study, residence permission)? green card
  • Which period of your stay in China? 19th Sep 2011 to 6th Sept 2014
  • Which language do you need it to be translated to? Spanish
  • How many copies do you need? 2
  • Do you need any embassy in Beijing to legalize it? No need
  • What's your current address?  (If you are not applying for Beijing and Shanghai police certificate, you do not need to answer this question).

2. Attachments

  1. Passport with Chinese visa pages and Chinese stamp pages
  2. Accommodation Registration Form or Registration Form of Temporary Residence
  3. Letter of no criminal conviction issued by Employer/University (IF you stayed/lived in Changsha, Changzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xi'an)
  4. Foreign-related contact card (IF you stayed/lived in Chengdu)
On the 1st of December 2019, The Exit and Entry Administrtion Bureau of Beijing Public Security Bureau Changed its rules governing the issurance of Police Clearance Certificate to foreigners.

  Beijing Expat Service Center

Authorize us to do it

You can find information about how to do it by yourself, just click the tab above

This procedure of applying China Police Check is designed for foreigners who are living in Beijing.

  1. You send us the scanned copy of the documents listed in blue box - Required Documents.
  2. You pay us half as down payment, at the meanwhile, sending the original accommodation registration form to our office.
  3. We send you the scan of your notarized and translated PCC.
  4. You choose the convenient way for you to end the case.
    • We hand over Beijing-issued China Police Check and collect our balance due.
    • Or you pay the balance, we send the original copy of your PCC by Kuaidi.

If you are not in Beijing anymore, please check our flowchart for this situation.

Beijing Police Clearance Questions

  • Do you need official Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate to apply visa/green card/passport? If so for which country?
  • How long does Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate need? (For example, from 19th Sep 2010 to 6th Sept 2012, then we need to see your entry stamp is 19th Sep 2010, and your exit stamp is 6th Sept 2012 on your passport, and we need that copy)
  • Of course, the official Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate is in Chinese. Do you need it to be translated to other languages? If so, which language?
  • How many copies do you need?
  • Do you need this official Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate to be legalized/certified by Chinese Foreign Ministry again? (most of countries accept the official NCR, and no need it to be legalized/certified by Chinese Foreign Ministry again, but few countries still need it to be legalized/certified by Chinese Foreign Ministry again, so please double check and confirm. Please notice: notarized by Chinese Foreign Ministry will take longer time and extra cost)
  • Do you need this official Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate to be legalized/certified by any foreign embassy in Beijing again?
  • Do you have any specific Chinese name which we show on the Chinese version of official Police Clearance Certificate or No Criminal Record Certificate?
  • Please tell us your current Beijing address.

Required Documents

1 Your current passport;

2 Your expired passport if it contains a previous Chinese visa for the period you wish the non criminal certificate to cover;

3 Application Form click to find download link

4 The official request for China police clearance certificate, below is a sample. It's a must from Sep 2020.

Sample: Canada IRCC official request

Canada official request for China Police certificate

Sample: Australia official request

Australia official request for China Police certificate

Sample: US embassy in Kazakstan official request

USA official request for China Police certificate

This document list was updated at the end of Sep 2020, according to the change of PCC rules.

  Process Time:

  • Expedited Process takes 9 business days
  • Normal Process takes 18 business days

  If you are not in Beijing China, then you need to check our outside-China procedure for China Police Check Certificate here.

  After we send the photo of your Chinese PCC, you have 12 days to pay us. If you failed, we will be entitled to take actions such as (but not limited to) repeal or discard the PCC.

Do it yourself

See how to do it through us by clicking the tab above.

According to the new rules, the applicants of Beijing Police Check need to visit Public Security Bureau (PSB) and Notary Public Office to obtain a notarized Police Check Certificate for purposes of immigration, employment, marriage or adoption.

1 Applying Police Clearance Certificate at Beijing PSB

One thing to confirm

Before you make application, please confirm that you have lived in Beijing for 6 months without break.

If you stayed in Beijing for 4 months but left China for Christmas, then came back and worked for another 4 months, you are not able to get PCC according to the new rules.

Documents to bring

1. Valid Passport

2. Expired Passport, if any.

3. Accommodation Registration Form(s)

Locations to visit

You can apply for a Police Check at any of the Exit and Entry Administration Sub-bureaus of Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) .

In order to make it easier to understand the structure of Public Security System in China, we listed the 5 levels of the system as below :

  1. The Ministry of Public Security (Central government level)
  2. The Department of Public Security (Provincial government level)
  3. The Public Security Bureau (City government level)
  4. The Sub-bureau of Public Security (District government level)
  5. The Police Station

Below is the list of sub-bureau addresses in both English and Chinese.


Address in English

Address in Chinese

Dongcheng Sub-Bureau:

16-5 Zhushikou Street Dongcheng District


Xicheng Sub-Bureau:

No.3 Xinbi Street Xicheng District


Chaoyang Sub-Bureau:

Building 304 Jia No.10 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District


Haidian Sub-Bureau:

No. 67 Fucheng Road Haidian District


Fengtai Sub-Bureau:

58-2 Fengguan Road Fengtai District


Shijingshan Sub-Bureau:

Jia No.3 Guangcheng Nanli Shijingshan District


Mentougou Sub-Bureau:

No.45 Xinqiao Street Mengtougou District


Fangshan Sub-Bureau:

No.16 Zhengtong Road Gongchen Area Fangshan District


Tongzhou Sub-Bureau:

1-2 No.67 Yudaihe West Street Tongzhou District


Shunyi Sub-Bureau:

Jia NO.3 Tianzhu East Road A block Airport Shunyi District


Changping Sub-Bureau:

No.4 Zhengfujie West Road Changping District


Daxing Sub-Bureau:

Building 5, No.12 Jinxing Road Daxing District


Huairou Sub-Bureau:

No.37 Qingchun Road Huairou District


Pinggu Sub-Bureau:

No.13 Linyin North Street Pinggu District


Miyun Sub-Bureau:

No.12 Xidaqiao Road Miyun District


Yanqing Sub-Bureau:

No.18 Hunan West Road Yanqing Town Yanqing District



2 Notarizing Police Clearance Certificate at Notary Office

If you use the PCC in China, you can skip this step, as the PCC you get in above step is ok.

If you use the PCC in other countries, such as UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, you will have to do the notarization at notary public office. 

You can visit any notary public office to notarize your police clearance certificate, we listed few notary public offices in different districts according to one of Beijing government websites




Dongfang Notary Public Office

No.168 Andingmen Outer Street Dongcheng District


Haicheng Notary Public Office

Room 301 Tower A No.108 Zhichun Road Haidian District


Yanjing Notary Public Office

No.66 Yangzhuang East Road Shijingshang District


Fangzheng Notary Public Office

Floor 1,2 Tower 3 Xizhimen Outer Street Xicheng District


Luzhou Notary Public Office

Floor 2 Tower C No.48 Chezhan Road Tongzhou District


Xiadu Notary Public Office

No.96 Dongwai Street Yanqing District


Basic Documents

1. Valid Passport

2. Expired Passport, if any.

3. Police Clearance Certificate which you get through the 1st step.

Each notary public notary office might ask for other document besides Basic documents.

Applying Police Clearance Certificates in Beijing through us

As a Beijing-registered company, we provide one-step service, which do not ask you to return to China and wait in a long quequ.

We do not ask you to upload your documents to our website, in fact, you only need to send the scan of your documents by email. We have served our clients in this traditional and secure way since 2009.

 Samples of Beijing Police Clearance Certificate March 2020

China Police Clearance Certificate
China Police Clearance Certificate

I want to thank you for all your work in getting my NCC (No Criminal Certificate) quickly and securely. In addition, it was for the best and fairest price I found anywhere on the internet. I will be recommending your service to friends who need any of the services you offer and, again, want to thank you.

Caldwell - Canada

I received the hard copy of my PCC. Thank you for your help during the outbreak of COVID-19. I am appreciated.

Peiyi - ROC

A tremendous thank you to Tony at BESC - at a fraction of other competitors' quotes and in the middle of a global pandemic, Tony and BESC were able to obtain a PCC for myself and my wife in a short period of time.  Incredibly professional and responsive, we highly recommend BESC for PCC services.  Tony was alway ready to answer our questions and address any of our concerns.  He was a distinct pleasure to work with. 

Yang - USA and New Zealand

Many thanks for your kind assistance in helping me get the documents. 

I received them today in perfect condition. 

I do not have any issues in recommending your service to friends if the need be. 

Thank you once again!

Indika - Sri Lanka

I can confirm that I have received the China PCC issued by Beijing Police.

Thank you for your assistance, your communication in keeping me updated was excellent as was your overall service.

Guilfoyle - Britain

Managed to obtain the Police Clearance Certificate (otherwise known as the No Criminal Record certificate in the PRC) in time for a visa application. You guys really saved me from the tedious application process, which, if I were to do it on my own, would probably be a huge hassle that involves flying in and out of the PRC more than just once.

Thank you for your prompt, organised and informative replies to each and every of my queries. I was understandably hesitant at the beginning, but having engaged your services, I most certainly recommend it to anyone who needs help with procuring documents from the PRC!

Rayner - Singapore

Good day :) I would like to say thank you so much for my China Police Clearance I received it yesterday. It's a great present for my birthday last August 25 was so happy when I received it yesterday. Thank you so muchhh again. We really appreciated your help for me and my fiancé.

Have a great day ahead..

God bless and more power to your company.

Martha - Philippines

Thanks for all your help!  I have received the documents, and also I applied for my wife and sons Visas today at Kazakh embassy in Beijing.  We should receive the visas on Friday, and will leave China at the weekend to head back to Kazakhstan.

This would not have been possible without your help, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me get my family home.

Thanks and regards!

Mike Williams - UK

Many thanks for your service! My forthcoming second marriage was at jeopardy, and I thought I'd have to fly to Beijing to finalize my divorce. Fortunately, I found you guys on the Internet, and within a few weeks, I had my authenticated divorce certificate and all was well! I'll be sure to mention your name to my embassy in Beijing, so they can refer other people to your service.

Jonathan - Israel

It just seemed impossible for me to get my Austrian passport. Because the only document missing from my application was the Police Clearance Certificate from China. The officials were expecting me to fly over to Beijing to obtain the documents. Then thanks to Google I found Beijing Expat Service Center. Their services are reliable and fast. Communication is superb. I would definately recommend them and trust me you won't be disappointed... Thank you once again Beijing Expat Service Center. Jiayou!!!

Christine - India

Thank you for helping me get the Police Certificate without leaving my country! Great service and awesome communication!

Fedorenko - Kazakhstan

I have already received the Police Clearance Certificate sent with DHL express delivery last Monday. I would like to thank you for your help and for making sure that the documents arrived in the UK in time :)
I recommend Beijing Expat Service Center to anyone who is looking for a reliable agency for Police Clearance Certificate issue. Their experienced experts are very impressive: We had good communication, they got the right document for me on time. I like the feeling that everything is in control. I am sure you will also have the same feeling, if you hire them to do the job.

Ainie N. Escatron - The Philippines

Thank you very much for your help throughout this process. I am very happy with the service you have provided, and have passed on your contact details to my migration agent/lawyer. They currently does not have any 3rd party that can help them with police checks in Beijing, so they told me they will be happy to contact you in the future if any of their future clients require police checks.

Alex - Indonesia

In order for me to apply for my green card I had to obtain a Chinese COC from Beijing Police HQ as I had lived in Beijing for two years. The Chinese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where I am now residing, was not able to help me and told me that I may have to fly to Beijing to do it myself!. Fortunately I found Beijingesc on the internet. Tony the co-founder was most helpful in assisting me with my COC. The company delivered what they promised. It was such a stress free experience! I would recommend anyone looking for such a service.

Sophiane - Malaysia

I wanted to take the time to say thank you for the service you provided in order to get Patricia's Police certificate. Your response and answer to my email were always detailed and quick. The documents I received looked great and delivery was 1 day earlier than expected when they arrived.

Again, Thank you very much!

Greg Dearfield - USA

I received the package. Thank you very much for doing this so promptly and efficiently. I will not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone who needs a similar service.

Krishna Murty - India

I have received my China-issue police record certificate today. Thank you so much for all your help. Your service has been excellent and I shall recommend you to friends and use your services again.

Hannah - UK

Thank you for your absolute dedication and support during this process.
And it was a pleasure to have you for this service; I will recommend you to anyone in my social circle if they need such services.

Farooq - Pakistan

Check our Chinese No Criminal Record Certificate Service details.

Brief Contact Information

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0086 189 1161 3371
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